Last year was not the greatest so it’s safe to say we all want this year to be better than 2020 was.  What if we told you that by doing these four things, you can have a more positive outlook and be happier in general in 2021?

1. Start being positive as soon as you wake up in the morning. It’s so easy to be upset that you have to wake up in the morning but according to scientists, your subconscious might be the most active right when you wake up. So if you wake up and tell yourself every morning to be and think more positively, it will set you up for a better day in general. You could do something like looking yourself in the mirror and saying, “It’s going to be a great day” and that will set the tone for the day.

2. You have to drown out the negative thoughts. We all have the tendency to think about all the negative moments we experience throughout the day… but a study found that apparently in order to counteract one negative thought, we need at least FIVE times as many positive experiences throughout the day. So if you train your brain to stay focused on the positive thoughts, and reframe your situation.

3. Stay focused on the positive! You want to fill your day with as many positive thoughts as possible. It could be anything from watching cute animal videos or read feel-good stories. You could even look up positive and uplifting quotes such as, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!”

4. “You can’t soar with the eagles if your sitting with the turkeys!” Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and bring positivity because the way one person acts  If you spend your days hanging around with someone who always sees the worst in a situation, you’re more likely to get caught up in it too.

This does not mean you have to cut out anyone who’s just negative all the time but do keep it in mind so you don’t get head down that path of negativity too.

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